1.Captain Underpants #01: Adventures of Catptain Underpants 彩色平裝版*1本 345元
ISBN:9789814857970 書號:1770016
2.Captain Underpants #02 : Attack Of The Talking Toilets (Color Edition) *1本 345元
ISBN:9789814864008 書號:1770017
3.Captain Underpants #03: Invasion Of Incredibly Naughty *1本 345元
ISBN:9789814864015 書號:1770019
4.Captain Underpants #04: Perilous Plot of Prof Poopypants 彩色平裝版 *1本 345元
ISBN:9789814855808 書號:1770020
5.Captain Underpants #05: The Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman *1本 345元
ISBN:9789814855815 書號:1770034
6.Captain Underpants #06: Big Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy Part 1 彩色平裝版 *1本 345元
ISBN:9789814864046 書號:1770018
7.Captain Underpants #07: Big Bad Battle of the Binoic Booger Bou Part 2 彩色平裝版 *1本 345元
ISBN:9789814919968 書號:1770015
8.Captain Underpants #08: The Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People彩色平裝版 *1本 345元 ISBN:9789814919975 書號:1770021
9.Captain Underpants #09: Terrifying Return of Tippy Tinkletrousers 彩色平裝版 *1本 380元
ISBN:9789814919982 書號:1770022
10.Captain Underpants 10: Captain Underpants and Revolting Revenge of the Radioactive Robo- Boxers*1本 380元 ISBN:9789814919999 書號:1770209
11.Captain Underpants #11: The Tyrannical Retaliation of the Turbo Toilet 2000 *1本 380元
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12.Captain Underpants 12: Captain Underpants and the Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot *1本 380元 ISBN:9789814918015 書號:1770210