拼讀 + 字彙 + 故事閱讀,老師必備最新教學法
運用國外常見的字彙家族概念,讓相同拼讀方式的單字可以一起學習,單字練習從辨識、拼讀、閱讀到聽寫,系統性地加深單字熟稔度,字彙量立即倍數成長。搭配字彙家族故事和閱讀理解練習,幫助學生從單字到閱讀,搭配音檔 QR code,閱讀流暢度與素養有效提升。最後加上讀者劇場劇本,將前面學過的故事內容,重新以劇本方式呈現,讓學習更有趣味。
This series of books teach the word families in a fun, engaging way with stories and activities. As teaching the young children, this will help students start the very beginning reading, especially get the sense of sounds and words. Each lesson covers a word family story and followed by exercises to help students to:
l recognize word patterns and common phonetic sounds;
l build the vocabulary and improve spelling skills;
l learn to read and understand stories;
l enhance oral reading fluency and have fun!