本書共8個單元,內容涵蓋撰寫履歷及求職信的要點、面試技巧與評估工作的方式。每單元分五部份「Warm up」、「Part 1: Vocabulary」、「Part 2: You Should Know」、「Part 3: More You Should Know」、「Part 4: Additional Information / Wrap-up Activities / Brief Bio」。每單元的引言(Warm up)簡述學習主題,並透過討論讓引導學生預習內容。單字及單字練習(Vocabulary),幫助學習重點詞彙。學習內容(You Should Know、More You Should Know、Additional Information / Wrap-up Activities / Brief Bio),藉由多樣正反舉例、互動情境練習、聽說練習題,導引學生逐步熟悉每個單元的學習目標。
To pass an interview successfully and land a great job, you first need a resume that works well for you in order to qualify for an interview. This book contains two parts. The first part will help you generate a dynamite resume that makes you stand out among the other applicants in gaining entry into your chosen career. The second part will help you to organize and get prepared for an interview. This book contains numerous examples and writing exercises that will help you to define your career goals, review your qualifications and choose a format that makes your resume more accessible. Group activities in this book provide opportunities for you to hone your skills in presenting yourself in a brief bio. With the guided writing and oral activities in this book, you will be able to create a resume that catches a hiring manager’s eyes and also to thrive in a job interview.
In this book, you will:
discuss possible scenarios when applying for a job
learn vocabulary related to job applications
participate in listening and speaking exercises
engage in role-playing exercises and task-based activities
learn the skills and abilities required for applying for jobs

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