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【精選組合】A Crabby Book 套書 {共6本}

$ 897 $ 1,380 現貨只剩1件即將完售!
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A Crabby Book 套書,包含以下5本書,各為1本
A Crabby Book #1: Hello, Crabby!*1本 175元
平裝 ISBN:9781338281507 書號:1750086
Crabby is NOT happy. Sun is in Crabby eyes. Salt is in Crabby teeth. Sand is in Crabby shell. Plankton tries again and again to cheer Crabby with laugh-out-loud results Will Crabby ever crack a smile? Or will Crabby always be crabby?
A Crabby Book #2: Let's Play, Crabby!*1本 175元
平裝 ISBN:9781338281552 書號:1750087
Plankton wants Crabby to play a game. Plankton tries to get Crabby to play Simon Says, Tag, and Hide-and-Seek. But Crabby does NOT want to play with Plankton. Will Plankton give up? Or will Crabby finally play along?
A Crabby Book #3: Wake Up, Crabby!*1本 175元
平裝 ISBN:9781338281613 書號:1750088
Bedtime for Plankton and Crabby Crabby just wants to go to sleep, but Plankton has other ideas. Plankton wants Crabby to take a bath. Plankton wants Crabby to tell a bedtime story. Will Crabby ever get to go to sleep?
A Crabby Book #4: Get Well, Crabby!*1本 175元
平裝 ISBN:9781338767827 書號:1750089
Oh no Crabby doesn't feel well, and Plankton is determined to play doctor. But Plankton's ideas aren't always the most helpful. He takes his own temperature, wraps Crabby in bandages, and caters to Crabby's increasingly outrageous demands. Will Crabby get better before Plankton finally loses his cool?
A Crabby Book #5: School's In, Crabby!*1本 210元
平裝 ISBN: 9781338756494 書號:1750090
It's just another day in the ocean for Crabby and Plankton—until they find themselves INSIDE a school of fish This gives Plankton a fabulous idea—he and Crabby should play school But Crabby does not want to play. In four hilarious stories, Crabby uses funny wordplay to distract Plankton from teaching!
A Crabby Book #6: Party Time, Crabby!*1本 210元
平裝 ISBN: 9781338767940 書號:1750830
It's just another day in the ocean for Crabby and Plankton __ until Plankton decides it's PARTY TIME! Crabby does NOT want to go to a party. In four hilarious stories, Crabby uses funny wordplay to distract Plankton from putting a party together. Will Plankton ever get a party? Or will Crabby turn out to be a party pooper?
With comic speech bubbles and full-color artwork throughout, Geisel Award Honoree Jonathan Fenske's early reader series is sure to be a hit with new readers!

ACORN系列閱讀書單-ACrabby Book
藍思閱讀值 360-360L


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