A diverse cast of characters—Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel), Miles Morales (Spider-Man), and Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl)—team up in their first-ever middle-grade series told through comics, in-world artifacts, and more! Kamala Khan was an average middle school kid. That is until a cloud called a Terrigen Mist swept through the New Jersey waterfront and activated her superpowers! After taking on the persona of Ms. Marvel, she''s been fighting crime in Jersey City and has caught the eye of some pretty well-established superheroes. But that''s not always a good thing... After Kamala is caught by news cameras taking on a supervillain—and accidentally destroying a building along the way—she gets a letter from Captain Marvel herself! It''s great that she''s fighting crime and sticking up for people, but maybe a regular school isn''t the best place to learn how to do that. If she wants to continue as Ms. Marvel, she''s going to need to take on some new extracurricular activities—mainly, training with other young superheroes alongside the Avengers! Now Kamala is the new kid at the Avengers Institute. Her classmates are all kids like her, they have special powers, but most of them have gotten into some trouble or drawn attention to themselves. The big news at the Avengers Institute this year? An academic decathlon in which students will group up into teams and compete against each other in super-heroics. Kamala and her friends Miles and Doreen will have to go up against a team led by some kids who fight less than fair—and have some trouble with the concept of "fighting for good"—in this funny, action-packed look at some ordinary middle school kids who just happen to have some extraordinary powers.
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