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➊ Perfect Phrases for Letters of Recommendation

As a teacher, professor, or an employer, you are often called upon for letters of recommendation — and probably as often find yourself stumped about what to say. It can be a daunting task when someone's future is in the balance. This book, written by a writing expert, will help you find the right words — and avoid the pitfalls — of creating a letter of recommendation.


➋ Perfect Phrases for New Employee Orientation and Onboarding

Getting new employees up and running with the company is a highly challenging process. For true success, you need to have full command of the most appropriate language for the task.


Perfect Phrases for New Employee Orientation and Onboarding contains hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for transitioning employees into their new roles. You'll learn how to home in on employee engagement, support the building of work relationships, and deliver constructive feedback. This handy, quick-reference guide provides effective language for:


➌ Perfect Phrases for Office Professionals

As an office professional, you are the point person for critical day-to-day activities. That means effective communication with your manager and internal and external stakeholders is key to the success of your office and organization.


Perfect Phrases for Office Professionals has hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for any situation you're likely to face. From defining your role in the office to promoting interdepartmental communication to getting the credit you deserve, this handy, quick-reference guide provides the most effective language to:


➍ Perfect Phrases for Resumes

Your resume may be your most important job-hunting tool, getting you in the door for an interview where you can really sell yourself. Building on the success of the Perfect Phrases series, Perfect Phrases for Resumes provides job hunters with the tools they need to craft winning, expertly worded resumes. The quick-reference format gives resume writers easy access to the exact phrases they need to best describe their experience and skills.


➎ Perfect Phrases for Sales Presentations

When it comes to sales presentations, every word counts — but who has the time to craft perfect presentations all the time? You do — when you have Perfect Phrases for Sales Presentations. This go-to guide is exactly what you need to streamline this critical process.


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