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➊ The War with Grandpa

Peter is thrilled that Grandpa is coming to live with his family. That is, until Grandpa moves right into Peter's room, forcing him upstairs.


Peter loves his grandpa but wants his room back. He has no choice but to declare war! With the help of his friends, Peter devises outrageous plans to make Grandpa surrender the room. But Grandpa is tougher than he looks. Rather than give in, Grandpa plans to get even.


They used to be such great pals. Has their war gone too far?


➋ I Am Malala

The bestselling memoir by Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai.


I Am Malala. This is my story.

Malala Yousafzai was only ten years old when the Taliban took control of her region. They said music was a crime. They said women weren't allowed to go to the market. They said girls couldn't go to school.

Raised in a once-peaceful area of Pakistan transformed by terrorism, Malala was taught to stand up for what she believes. So she fought for her right to be educated. And on October 9, 2012, she nearly lost her life for the cause: She was shot point-blank while riding the bus on her way home from school.


No one expected her to survive.


Now Malala is an international symbol of peaceful protest and the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner. In this Young Readers Edition of her bestselling memoir, which has been reimagined specifically for a younger audience and includes exclusive photos and material, we hear firsthand the remarkable story of a girl who knew from a young age that she wanted to change the world __ and did.

Malala's powerful story will open your eyes to another world and will make you believe in hope, truth, miracles and the possibility that one person __ one young person __ can inspire change in her community and beyond.


➌ Eat, Pray, Love


In her early thirties, Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern American woman was supposed to want—husband, country home, successful career...


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