Photographs IV
Translator's Introduction VII
Family Trees X
Chapter One 1
Chapter Two 47
Chapter Three 85
Chapter Four 107
Chapter Five 133
Chapter Six 191
Zhang Wenhuan Chronology 273
Photographs IV
Translator's Introduction VII
Family Trees X
Chapter One 1
Chapter Two 47
Chapter Three 85
Chapter Four 107
Chapter Five 133
Chapter Six 191
Zhang Wenhuan Chronology 273
序 / 推薦
Translator's Introduction
My father, Zhang Wenhuan, wrote this novel The Man Crawling Upon the Earth in Japanese around 1974. It is the first volume of a planned trilogy that was to reflect the prewar, midwar, and postwar eras of Taiwan history. The second novel A Lamp on the Horizon was to be the second volume, but it remained unfinished when he passed away. The Man Crawling Upon the Earth is set in the period of Taiwan under Japanese rule after Qing China lost the First Sino-Japanese War to Japan. The years of Japanese rule over Taiwan were from 1895 to 1945.
The island of Taiwan and the Pescadores formed Japan's first overseas colony. The colonial government exerted much effort to improve Taiwan’s economy, industry and public works, and to change its culture. Eventually the island served to support the necessities of the war machine of Japanese military aggression in the Asia-Pacific. During the years of Japanese rule, Taiwanese society was generally very stable. Off and on spontaneous social and cultural movements appeared. My father, educated in Japan, was one of the literati participating in these movements.
Establishing public education was one of the Japanese colonial government's goals, and compulsory primary education had a significant impact on Taiwanese people. As priorities of their social policy, the colonial authorities made decisions to ban three bad habits: the use of opium, the foot-binding of women, and the wearing of hair queues by men. Starting in 1937, Taiwanese were conscripted and allowed to volunteer and bear arms in the military service of Imperial Japan. The colonial situation accelerated the modernization of Taiwan. In the course of its modernization many native Taiwanese students were drawn to study abroad, mostly in Japan. After his education in Taiwan, supported by my grandfather, my father went to Tokyo for his further education. He thus began his writing career in the Japanese language which was the official language throughout the colonial period. Normally, the older people who read Japanese fluently had been taught Japanese in school. Those who could not read Japanese or could speak only a few words of the language remained uneducated.
The novel's setting is in northeastern Chiayi County in the present Taiping Community, previously known as Daping, located in Meishan at an altitude of 1080 meters, and in Mai-zai Keng, the current Meishan, a township at the foot of the mountain. One of the most striking features of The Man Crawling Upon the Earth is that Taiwan folklore and traditions of this locale are vividly displayed within the stories. Through his stories, with a compassionate and humanistic outlook on the colonial milieu, my father brings out the people's way of life marked by the annual festivities: Lunar New Year, the Ching Ming Festival of ancestor worship, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Ghost Festival, the Moon Festival, and wedding ceremonies and funeral services.
As the mainstream of the novel is about the Chen family, the complicated genealogy of a traditional Taiwanese family is illustrated for the reader. The story starts when a fiveyear-old boy, Chen Kei-ming whose natal family is also named"Chen"is adopted into the Chen family. The story-line follows his life as he forms his own family when he reaches adulthood. The novel ends with events pertaining to Chen Kei-ming’s own family.
Although the original text is in the Japanese language, the author has rendered Taiwanese names and forms of address with Japanese characters. A full Taiwanese name consists of a surname, xing, which comes first and is often one character or word, followed by a given name, ming, which is often two characters or words. This order of surname first and given name(s) second has been maintained in the English transliteration of the names. However, in addressing a close relation in a casual situation, the given name can be preceded by"A,"pronounced as in the word"ah."Further complicating the naming used in the novel is that some prestigious families were allowed to have Japanese names. These are also alphabetically transliterated as the names of Japanese people in the novel.
Translating Taiwanese kinship terms in The Man Crawling Upon the Earth has been especially challenging. The Chinese kinship system used in Taiwan can only be ambiguously simplified in English. For example, in addition to the gender and the generation of a"cousin"as in English, there are eight different designations for"cousin"in Taiwanese with the maternal and paternal lineages also to be distinguished. Furthermore, this kinship terminology is the preferred form of address since it is inappropriate and impolite to address a more senior family relative by his or her given names. Especially at the wedding ceremony in the novel, all the formal address terms for the visiting relatives can only be approximated in the translation.
At the end of World War II, following the surrender of Japan, Taiwan and the outlying islands came under the governance of the Republic of China ruled by the Kuomintang (KMT). With the return of Taiwan to the Chinese mother country, my father was excited and anticipated a bright future. However, during the period of martial law after 1945, what he saw and experienced made him desperate. He went into self-exile to protect his family, and for thirty years he stopped his Japanese writing career. In the mid 1970's, with a tender and softened heart, he finally picked up his pen again, and with compassion and humanism started to fulfill his plan for writing a trilogy. This is how The Man Crawling Upon the Earth and the incomplete work A Lamp on the Horizon were produced.
My father, Zhang Wenhuan, wrote this novel The Man Crawling Upon the Earth in Japanese around 1974. It is the first volume of a planned trilogy that was to reflect the prewar, midwar, and postwar eras of Taiwan history. The second novel A Lamp on the Horizon was to be the second volume, but it remained unfinished when he passed away. The Man Crawling Upon the Earth is set in the period of Taiwan under Japanese rule after Qing China lost the First Sino-Japanese War to Japan. The years of Japanese rule over Taiwan were from 1895 to 1945.
The island of Taiwan and the Pescadores formed Japan's first overseas colony. The colonial government exerted much effort to improve Taiwan’s economy, industry and public works, and to change its culture. Eventually the island served to support the necessities of the war machine of Japanese military aggression in the Asia-Pacific. During the years of Japanese rule, Taiwanese society was generally very stable. Off and on spontaneous social and cultural movements appeared. My father, educated in Japan, was one of the literati participating in these movements.
Establishing public education was one of the Japanese colonial government's goals, and compulsory primary education had a significant impact on Taiwanese people. As priorities of their social policy, the colonial authorities made decisions to ban three bad habits: the use of opium, the foot-binding of women, and the wearing of hair queues by men. Starting in 1937, Taiwanese were conscripted and allowed to volunteer and bear arms in the military service of Imperial Japan. The colonial situation accelerated the modernization of Taiwan. In the course of its modernization many native Taiwanese students were drawn to study abroad, mostly in Japan. After his education in Taiwan, supported by my grandfather, my father went to Tokyo for his further education. He thus began his writing career in the Japanese language which was the official language throughout the colonial period. Normally, the older people who read Japanese fluently had been taught Japanese in school. Those who could not read Japanese or could speak only a few words of the language remained uneducated.
The novel's setting is in northeastern Chiayi County in the present Taiping Community, previously known as Daping, located in Meishan at an altitude of 1080 meters, and in Mai-zai Keng, the current Meishan, a township at the foot of the mountain. One of the most striking features of The Man Crawling Upon the Earth is that Taiwan folklore and traditions of this locale are vividly displayed within the stories. Through his stories, with a compassionate and humanistic outlook on the colonial milieu, my father brings out the people's way of life marked by the annual festivities: Lunar New Year, the Ching Ming Festival of ancestor worship, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Ghost Festival, the Moon Festival, and wedding ceremonies and funeral services.
As the mainstream of the novel is about the Chen family, the complicated genealogy of a traditional Taiwanese family is illustrated for the reader. The story starts when a fiveyear-old boy, Chen Kei-ming whose natal family is also named"Chen"is adopted into the Chen family. The story-line follows his life as he forms his own family when he reaches adulthood. The novel ends with events pertaining to Chen Kei-ming’s own family.
Although the original text is in the Japanese language, the author has rendered Taiwanese names and forms of address with Japanese characters. A full Taiwanese name consists of a surname, xing, which comes first and is often one character or word, followed by a given name, ming, which is often two characters or words. This order of surname first and given name(s) second has been maintained in the English transliteration of the names. However, in addressing a close relation in a casual situation, the given name can be preceded by"A,"pronounced as in the word"ah."Further complicating the naming used in the novel is that some prestigious families were allowed to have Japanese names. These are also alphabetically transliterated as the names of Japanese people in the novel.
Translating Taiwanese kinship terms in The Man Crawling Upon the Earth has been especially challenging. The Chinese kinship system used in Taiwan can only be ambiguously simplified in English. For example, in addition to the gender and the generation of a"cousin"as in English, there are eight different designations for"cousin"in Taiwanese with the maternal and paternal lineages also to be distinguished. Furthermore, this kinship terminology is the preferred form of address since it is inappropriate and impolite to address a more senior family relative by his or her given names. Especially at the wedding ceremony in the novel, all the formal address terms for the visiting relatives can only be approximated in the translation.
At the end of World War II, following the surrender of Japan, Taiwan and the outlying islands came under the governance of the Republic of China ruled by the Kuomintang (KMT). With the return of Taiwan to the Chinese mother country, my father was excited and anticipated a bright future. However, during the period of martial law after 1945, what he saw and experienced made him desperate. He went into self-exile to protect his family, and for thirty years he stopped his Japanese writing career. In the mid 1970's, with a tender and softened heart, he finally picked up his pen again, and with compassion and humanism started to fulfill his plan for writing a trilogy. This is how The Man Crawling Upon the Earth and the incomplete work A Lamp on the Horizon were produced.

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