全書共 345 條現代漢語實用語法點,適合不同階段的中文學習者
◆ 345 entries of modern Chinese grammar, arranged alphabetically by Hanyu Pinyin.
◆ Designed specifically for Chinese language learners of all levels.
◆ Grammatical entries include three subsections: Function, Structure and Usage.
(1) The Function section answers the questions ‘What is the purpose of this grammar item?’ and ‘How do native speakers use it?’
(2) The Structure section explains grammar points, including descriptions of negative and interrogative structures, so that learners can become skilled at making sentences using negative structures and asking questions.
(3) A Usage section is provided when applicable to compare and contrast structures found in the Chinese and English languages.
This reference guide can give learners a clear understanding of grammar points and help them master Chinese.
Excellent companion to any Chinese learning textbook.
◆ 語法點由 A~Z 編排,方便查找搜尋
◆ 語法點範圍涵蓋基礎(Basic)到高階(Advanced)程度
◆ 全書中文例句或漢字均附有漢語拼音及英文翻譯
◆ 每個語法點詳列:功能、結構、用法,完整介紹該語法
◆ 每個語法點提供多個典型例句,幫助理解使用的情境
◆ 能使學習者快速理解語法形式及結構,了解怎麼用、什麼時候用,以及用在什麼地方
◆ 華語教師、中文學習者必備的工具書
◆ 可搭配任何中文學習教材參考使用
Shou-hsin Teng, PhD
Professor of Chinese Linguistics
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass, USA (retired)
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan (retired)
Maa Fa Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Dept. of Chinese as a Second Language, Chungyuan Christian University, Chungli, Taiwan (current)
國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心成立於 1956 年,隸屬於國立臺灣師範大學,是臺灣歷史最悠久、規模最完備、教學最有成效的華語文教學機構。學員來自全世界各地,許多漢學界知名學者及政經界名人都曾在此就讀,在國際間享譽盛名。
The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) is founded in 1956. The MTC, a subsidiary of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), is the largest and oldest institution dedicated to teaching Chinese as a second language in Taiwan. The center has well-equipped facilities and is internationally renowned for its high teaching quality. MTC's students come from all over the world, and many renowned sinology scholars and important figures in the politics and financial are its alumni.
Shou-hsin Teng, PhD
Professor of Chinese Linguistics
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass, USA (retired)
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan (retired)
Maa Fa Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand
Dept. of Chinese as a Second Language, Chungyuan Christian University, Chungli, Taiwan (current)
國立臺灣師範大學國語教學中心成立於 1956 年,隸屬於國立臺灣師範大學,是臺灣歷史最悠久、規模最完備、教學最有成效的華語文教學機構。學員來自全世界各地,許多漢學界知名學者及政經界名人都曾在此就讀,在國際間享譽盛名。
The Mandarin Training Center (MTC) is founded in 1956. The MTC, a subsidiary of National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), is the largest and oldest institution dedicated to teaching Chinese as a second language in Taiwan. The center has well-equipped facilities and is internationally renowned for its high teaching quality. MTC's students come from all over the world, and many renowned sinology scholars and important figures in the politics and financial are its alumni.
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