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「哥斯大黎加的 Arenal國家公園」
I've been to Arenal National Park in Costa Rica. I heard many movies were shot in that National park. It's just so lush and there is an active volcano within the national park!
我有去過哥斯大黎加的 Arenal 國家公園。我聽說很多電影在那裡拍攝過。那裡真的很翠綠,而且還有一個活火山在國家公園裡。
I was once really close to a bear. It was frightening, but also amazing to see a bear in such a short distance. I was in awe to see such a beautiful creature in the National Parks.
It was a walking tour through the whole haunted house. Everything in the haunted house was as if they came out directly from the crime scene. I had nightmares and was scarred to go to any haunted house after that one.
To truly enjoy a cup of drip black coffee, you must have someone to accompany you. There were mornings when I spent time in a local coffee shop.
Cooking is not only a woman's thing; actually, it is a man's thing. How can a delicate little woman handle a pot of grilled juicy tenderloin, or flip a whole pizza dough overhead?
Laura carefully shows me how to open the shells with the scissors and pliers. It requires patience and prudence to eat this meal.
You are able to take photos with animals, such as koalas and pandas. Have an actual contact with them, such as handling cotton candy to raccoons, while filming how they end up ruining it.
The salty mix with the bitter-sweet chocolate taste is like tear drops rolling down my throat.
Hot waffles are delivered to our hands. The sugar is caramelized perfectly on the surface. With just one bite, the soft-chewiness has blown my mind.
So I cook up the beef, simmer it in tomato sauce, and top the pot with mashed potato. The fragrance of meat circulates in the air as the pie sits tranquilly in the oven.
The Chinese believe that some fat helps elevate the flavor; thus, after a long time simmering on a stove, the result is a pot of sticky and fragrant pork stew.
The most important quality is to be highly motivated. Remember that's the criteria that HR people use to assess a person's ability in the workplace. it's not just your intelligence or your ability.
The most important quality is persistence not because it's something that we are frequently heard like “see persistence pays off in the end” but because “nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.”
最重要的特質是毅力,不是因為有些我們常聽到話語像是「看吧!最終毅力讓結果有所回報」, 而是因為「在這世界上沒有任何事物能取代毅力」。
The knack is to enjoy what you do. Try to think in other people's shoes. When serving our diners, I want them to have the best dining experience possible. That is so important.

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