Join the TubeMoguls, get Delicious, StumbleUpon customers — and 298 more great tips.
The time to start social media marketing was yesterday. Don't worry, though — this book will get you going today 301 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Marketing is packed with quick "snapshot" lessons for spreading your message and building customers — with little effort and virtually no cost. Designed to help you take action right away, each tip is presented in a stand-alone format to help you focus on what you need to do — and only what you need to do.
301 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Marketing provides simple strategies for capitalizing on the top social media platforms like:- BLOGS - MICROMEDIA - SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES - BOOKMARKING SITES - MULTIMEDIA SITES - REVIEW AND OPINION SITES - WIKIS
You'll own the crowds on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube — as well as on niche sites like Yelp, Ning, SmugMug, and Reddit. Potential customers are already having a conversation about your brand. Use 301 Ways to Use Social Media to Boost Your Marketing to grab them before your competitors can say "tweet"
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