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The Big Blue Book of French Verbs (with CD-ROM) 2e

作者:Stillman David M. / Gordon Ronni L.
$ 360 $ 900 現貨只剩2件即將完售!
  • 原價 : $ 900




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Become a French verb virtuoso with this unbeatable reference!

The Big Blue Book of French Verbs is the most comprehensive resource available for learning and mastering French verbs. Designed for beginning through advanced learners, this indispensable guide will help you conjugate verbs with ease, enabling you to communicate in French confidently. Inside you will find:

● 555 fully conjugated verbs, listed alphabetically
● More than 5000 example sentences with mini-dialogs
● Numerous contextual examples for each verb
● The Top 50 verbs, with clearly distinguished range of usage
● More than 2300 verbs cross-referenced to conjugation models

The enhanced CD-ROM is a dynamic way to help you:

● Sharpen your skills with more than 400 interactive exercises, from fill-in-the-blanks to multiple choice audio exercises
● Hear and practice hundreds of sample conversations, whether on screen or via MP3 downloads to your iPod
● Recognize the difference in sound between easily confused verb forms
● Track and evaluate your progress with a pretest and a comprehensive review test

※ 本書分類:語言學習 > 法語學習


Ronni L. Gordon, PhD
Ronni L. Gordon, PhD, is a prominent author of foreign language textbooks, reference books, and instructional multimedia programs. She is vice president of Mediatheque Publisher Services, a leader in the development of foreign language instructional materials. She holds a PhD in Spanish language and Spanish and Spanish American literature from Rutgers University, and has taught and coordinated Spanish language programs and taught Spanish American literature at Harvard University and Boston University. An education consultant, she has read in foreign languages for the National Endowment for the Humanities, presented at the United States Department of Education, and consulted on states K-12 academic standards for world languages. She is an associate scholar of a Philadelphia-based think tank and is chairman of the board of directors of Dolce Suono Ensemble.

David M. Stillman, PhD
David M. Stillman, PhD, is a well-known writer of foreign langauge textbooks, reference books, and instructional multimedia programs. He is president of Mediatheque Publisher Services, a leader in the development of foreign language instructional materials. He holds a PhD in Spanish linguistics from the University of Illinoisㄝand has taught and coordinated foreign language programs at Boston University, Harvard, and Cornell. He teaches languages and linguistics and coordinates an innovative program of student-led conversation practice at The College of New Jersey. He is a frequent presenter at national and regional conventions of language educators, has consulted on states K-12 academic standards for world languages, and has been appointed to national committees devoted to the improvement of teacher training.


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