● 暢銷書《麥肯錫的專業思維》作者最新力作
● 作者獨創『全方位團隊焦點模型使用指南』,所有企業難題都將迎刃而解
● 專案管理的人際互動要素TEAM + 成功的專案管理所需的核心分析元素FOCUS = 經營企業的百分百成功方程式
◆ 建立透明的溝通管道
◆ 評估當前的績效表現水準
◆ 找出所欲解決的關鍵問題
◆ 發展假設並加以測試
◆ 綜合相關資訊,呈現解決方案
The third volume in the internationally bestselling McKinsey Trilogy, The McKinsey Engagement is an action guide to realizing the consistently high level of business solutions achieved by the experts at the world's most respected consulting firms.
Former consultant Dr. Paul Friga distills the guiding principles first presented in the bestselling The McKinsey Way and the tested-in-the-trenches methodologies outlined in The McKinsey Mind, and combines them with many of the principles and procedures implemented by the military and other organizations. The result is nothing less than the business equivalent of a Special Forces Field Manual.
True to its stated goal of arming consultants and corporate problem solvers with a blueprint for achieving consistently phenomenal results, The McKinsey Engagement is short on theory and long on action. Each chapter focuses on one element in the celebrated TEAM FOCUS problem-solving model and features a concise discussion of a key concept or principle, followed by:
◆ Clear rules of engagement
◆ A set of operating tactics
◆ Sophisticated problem solving tools
◆ Easy-to-follow action steps
◆ Exercises, checklists, and training tips
◆ War stories and best practices case studies
◆ A toolkit for bringing clarity, discipline, and purpose to all your problem-solving and change management initiatives, The McKinsey Engagement is an indispensable guide for consultants, as well as for executives, managers, students, and corporate trainers.
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