The average manager doesn't have time to take classes or read lengthy volumes on managing techniques. Instead, you need to know right now what to say to coach and motivate your employees. With hundreds of ready-to-use phrases you can use in a wide variety of situations, The Complete Book of Perfect Phrases for Managers is the ultimate reference for motivating, managing, and growing employees.
※ 本書分類:商業財經 > 商業人物傳記 > 企業管理理論與實務
Robert Bacal is the best-selling author of Perfect Phrases for Performance Reviews and owns his own consulting firm.
Douglas Max is managing director of LR Communications, a firm that conducts on-site seminars in writing and presentation skills.
Harriet Diamond is the founder and former president of Diamond Associates, a consulting firm dedicated to developing and presenting staff development programs.
Linda Eve Diamond is a writer and editor for Diamond Associates with over a decade of experience in corporate training.
Douglas Max is managing director of LR Communications, a firm that conducts on-site seminars in writing and presentation skills.
Harriet Diamond is the founder and former president of Diamond Associates, a consulting firm dedicated to developing and presenting staff development programs.
Linda Eve Diamond is a writer and editor for Diamond Associates with over a decade of experience in corporate training.
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