Teacher''s Handbook emphasized real-world practice by presenting a concise theoretical review followed by provocative case studies that illustrate different methods for teaching ESL and foreign language for proficiency. Appropriate for secondary and college instructors, the Teacher''s Handbook web site also includes extensive appendices covering professional organizations, publications, and performance standards for language teachers and students.
● Link on to http://thandbook.heinle.com for the TEXT-SPECIFIC WEB SITE, which contains downloadable appendices, video case studies and accompanying questions, a bulletin board, and useful links to a variety of professional organizations and mailing lists.
● Teacher''s Handbook has been thoroughly revised and expanded to incorporate ACTFL''s FIVE Cs STANDARDS FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING throughout the text, linking the theory and the teaching applications presented in each chapter of the text.
● CALL-OUT BOXES pose questions to help the reader reflect upon the main point and concepts presented in each chapter, and to assist the reader in making connections with previously explored information.
● The THEORETICAL BASE of each chapter has been updated to include the latest research pertinent to the themes explored in the text. Some case studies have been revised or replaced to maintain currency while the basic pedagogical support within the structure of the text has been maintained.
● The EXPANDED APPENDICES now found on the web at http://thandbook.heinle.com include examples of actual products developed by teachers, lesson plans, a template for a Showcase Professional Portfolio, the revised ACTFL guidelines and much more!
Visit us on the web: http://www.heinle.com

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