全球多益大師Lin Lougheed全新力作,書中提供三回完整模擬試題、1000 題以上的多益考試題型練習、全新的文法和字彙學習技巧,以及應試策略等。題目內容與時俱進,更接近真實的國際溝通情境,針對新制多益考試,提供學生實用的解題策略,幫助學生建立信心,在聽力與閱讀考試上奪得高分。本書內容對學生自修或是課堂教學皆適用。
Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC Test: Listening and Reading,Introductory Course,gives students the skills,strategies,practice,and confidence they need to increase their scores on the Listening and Reading sections of the TOEIC test. Ideal for a TOEIC test preparation course or for self-study,the Advanced Course is intended for students who achieve TOEIC test scores from 100 to 400.
Features of the New Edition
● Three complete Practice Tests include updated TOEIC test-style answer sheets for diagnosis and assessment.
● 1000+ practice items reflect the actual format and content of the most recent TOEIC test.
● Language Strategies and Test Strategies in each section help learners to focus on skills and set goals.
● Highlighted Test Taking Tips provide grammatical explanations plus links to specific exercises for immediate help and reinforcement.
● New Grammar Tips and Vocabulary Tips
● Complete Support containing answer key. complete MP3 files,and audioscript helps students practice Listening Comprehension exercises and Listening Practice Test questions on their own.
A1-A2 / Introductory / 100-400
B1-B2 / Intermediate / 300-600
C1-C2 / Advanceed / 500-900

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