本書收錄共35 章,題材涵蓋六大主題:Mythology, Bible, Poetry, Prose, Fiction, and Drama。每章首先介紹作品簡介及其相關文化背景,並以三個warm-up questions 引導學生深入文本,一享文學之美。接著進入「原文文本」、「More to Know」、「Discussion」及「Activities」四大部分。最後的「Activities」為本書一大特色,它提供教師於每章結束後可和學生進行的一些課室活動,如:word puzzles, role-plays, classroom games, and presentation opportunities。「Activities」讓讀者和學生能藉由這些活動對作品更加熟悉 認識,教師也可藉由此部分,提高學生學習興趣,透過愉快的學習方式引導學生進入文學迷人的世界,領會閱讀文學的樂趣與喜悅。
此外,每章的「原文文本」部分(Into the Work),另附文本內重要字詞註釋,幫助學習者掌握作品精義和其中的句法、辭彙,進而欣賞作品的音、意、形之美。
This anthology of western literature is concise and portable, yet it still includes a diverse and balanced variety of classic works, instead of paraphrasing the works into simplified versions, this work features authentic passages from Greek and Roman mythology, the Bible, and English and American poetry, prose, fiction, and drama. Each chapter begins with a clear introduction, “About the Work, ” and three warm-up questions. The selected passage from the literature is annotated, with definitions of important vocabulary, and also provides some intriguing additional information in the “More to Know” section, and additional follow-up questions.Special features of this book are the Activities at the end of each chapter, such as word puzzles, role-plays, classroom games, and presentation opportunities. These activities will provide fun exercises for students in class. This book is not only a selection of works of great literature, but also a source of inspiring discussion and interesting pastimes and projects. Stop perusing books silently at your desk – stand up and have fun with the world dramatic classics!

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