Poetry: An Introduction presents an approach to poems that emphasizes reading as an active enterprise involving thought and feeling. It encourages students to value their emotional reactions and their previous experience with life and with language. Students are introduced to interpretation through illustrated discussions of the elements of poetry. They are invited to consider why they respond as they do and how their responses change during subsequent readings of a poem; they are asked, in short, to relate their experience in reading poems to their experience in living. They are encouraged to see poems as a significant reflection of life and an imaginative extension of its possibilities.
From first page to last, Poetry is designed to involve students in the twin acts of reading and analysis. The genre of poetry is introduced by a three-part explanatory overview of the reading process. The introduction is organized around the approach to texts outlineed in Robert Scholes's Textual power (Yale University Press, 1985), modified and adapted to my own approach to teaching literature. Scholes identifies three aspects of literary response: reading, interpretation, and criticism. The three-part structure of the introduction breaks down as follows:
the experience of poetry
the interpretation of poetry
the evaluation of poetry
Our experience of poetry concerns our impressions of a work, especially our subjective impressions and emotional responses. Interpretation involves intellectual and analytical thinking. And the evaluation of poetry involves an assessment of aesthetic distinction along with a consideration of a work's social, moral, and cultural values.
It presents an approach to poems that emphasizes reading as an active enterprise involving thought and feeling.
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