Write to Know: The Art of Effective Paragraph Writing focuses equally on both the mechanics of effective paragraph construction as well as the creation of the kinds of high quality, interesting ideas that form the heart of great paragraphs and, eventually, great essays.
Lessons start with a step-by-step explanation of the critical components of paragraph construction—topic sentences, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences. It then transitions into writing lessons that teach how to write in a variety of styles, including comparative, narrative, descriptive, instructive and expository.
Each chapter includes clear, practical lessons, multiple activities for class or homework, two full-paragraph writing assignments, and two engaging reading activities that model the lesson of the chapter with the heart, wit, and charisma for which the series has become known.
● Scaffolded Instructions in paragraph development take students from the earliest stages of paragraph creation to writing mature,sophisticated paragraphs for a wide variety of rhetorical purposes.
● Authentic Readings with up-to-date and current content motivate learners to engage in the writing process.
● Additional Writing Assignments delivered through social media(such as Facebook and Twitter) encourage learners to express themselves and apply what they have learned in a real world context.
● Write To Learn: This textbook can optionally be used in coordination with the online writing platform Write To Learn to take student writing to the next level.
● Student Book
● Teacher's Guide Book with Answer Key

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