The new edition of this best-selling series combines comprehensive development and practice in the rhetorical modes while integrating instruction in reading, critical thinking, vocabulary, and grammar.
Refining Composition Skills develops the essay-writing skills needed for successat the college level by thoroughly reviewing and presenting the following rhetorical modes: comparison and contrast, example, classification, process analysis, cause and effect, and argument.
New and Updated in this edition:
●"Building Vocabulary" sections provide presentation and practice of vocabularyskills, including: recognizingword forms and collocations, using synonyms and antonyms, and understanding suffixes. Excerpts from theCollins COBUILD Dictionaries enrich vocabulary development.
●Editing practicein every chapter focuses students on common writing mistakesand helps develop accuracy.
●New and updated reaoings act as springboards and models for student writing.
●Updated grammar instructionand practice providestudents with the toolsneeded to achieve their writing goals.
●A more visual, full-color presentationoffers a contemporary and streamlined approach, making it easy tonavigate and learn.
●Assessment CD-ROM with Exam View allows teachers to create tests andquizzes easily.

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