108 課綱中定義的「核心素養」,就英語文的學習表現面向而言,除了著重語言能力(聽、說、讀、寫、綜合應用),課程上也重視文化相關的主題,在Reading for the Real World 中,除了單字能力的培養外,文章包含有文化觀點、科技應用、醫學等重要學術主題的文章,課文中的閱讀理解練習能增進強化學生的閱讀能力。
Reading for the Real World Third Edition is a four-level series designed for intermediate to advanced English learners who wish to improve their academic reading fluency and comprehension. All reading passages and exercises have been revised and updated for the Third Edition. High-interest readings on a wide range of topics motivate students and provide abundant practice, while also enabling students to acquire the New Academic Word List (NAWL) in context. Each reading is accompanied by exercises that allow students to check their comprehension and to further explore the topic.
●Thematically organized readings on important current topics from a variety of academic subjects
●Reading comprehension exercises designed to hone comprehension skills such as identifying the main idea, understanding details, and making inferences
●Pre-reading and post-reading exercises to reinforce the NAWL vocabulary words encountered in the readings
●Graphic organizers and other summary activities that provide practice in summarizing texts accurately and concisely
●Supplemental readings that allow students to explore a different area or issue related to the main passage
●Audio recordings of all reading passages to reinforce correct pronunciation and reading fluency
●New supplementary materials available online to extend learning: answer keys, translations, word lists, writing worksheets, mobile app, and progress tests
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