Understanding academic lectures and taking good notes can be a challenge even for High-Intermediate to Advanced language students because it requires more than language skills. The third edition of Learn to Listen-Listen to Learn helps students acquire the listening- comprehension and note-taking skills to meet this challenge successfully.
A two-book series, Learn to Listen-Listen to Learn:
● Teaches how to recognize lecture organization, and how to evaluate and predict information
● Gives guidelines, strategies, and exercises on note-taking techniques
● Focuses on the acquisition of vocabulary, especially from the Academic Word List, and on therecognition of language cues
● Provides authentic lectures and lecture excerpts on a variety of high-interest topics from a widerange of academic disciplines
● Suggests interactive academic activities to encourage students to discuss, research, and write about ideas raised in the lectures
● Prepares students for academic testing by providing TOEFL-style test questions throughout the text
New to the third edition:
● Two books instead of one: Level 1 for High-Intermediate to Advanced students,Level 2 forAdvanced to High-Advanced students
● New and updated material,more structured and easier to use
● More lectures (12 per book) now distributed throughout the units
● More varied post-lecture activities such as “Other Voices,”an activity that allows practice ofinteractions typical in university settings
● More vocabulary activities with words from the Academic Word List
● More extension activities with academic content,like research or presentations, providing additionalopportunities to personalize

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