Super Easy Reading, Third Edition is a three-level reading series adapted from Compass's original, iconic, and bestselling series. It is designed to develop and enhance the core reading skills of lower-elementary level English language learners. Each unit is designed to stimulate the interest of young learners and encourage them to take an active role in the language learning process. The improved and modernized version of this series encourages students to be more active and let them learn English in a super easy and super fun way.
● New, interesting stories and animations
● Animated stories and audio accessible through CD or QR codes to develop 21st-century learning and digital literacy
● Optional “Extra” activities allow students, teachers, and parents to encourage monitoring and celebrating the achievements of the student
全新版本Super Easy Reading 3ed是一套三冊專為初級的英文學習者所設計,專為想提升文法能力的初級學習者所設計。書籍排版與內容,吸引學生的目光,增加學習的興趣,在學習的過程中更加積極,幫助學生快樂學習的同時,提升文法的能力。
● 全新的有趣故事與練習活動。
● 只要透過QR code,即可聆聽音檔與觀看課文影片。
● 提供彩蛋活動,加深學生與老師、家長的連結,師長更能掌握學生的學習進度。
● 本系列教材特別設計各類練習,幫助學習者學習紮實的閱讀技巧。
● 提升閱讀、寫作、聽力及口說能力。
● 學習者可增進其綜合技能,擴大單字量。
套書配件 (Component):
● 學生課本(書內含音檔QR Code)
● 學生作業本
● 可下載資源
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1. 宅配到府:每筆訂單未滿 1000元 須加收 100元 物流處理費用。(活動期間則按照活動內容進行調整)
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