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Introduction to Sociolinguistics, An 5/e

$ 1,260 $ 1,400
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In this best-selling introductory textbook, Janet Holmes and Nick Wilson examine the role of language in a variety of social contexts, considering both how language works and how it can be used to signal and interpret various aspects of social identity. Divided into three sections, this book explains basic sociolinguistic concepts in the light of classic approaches as well as introducing more recent research.

This fifth edition has been revised and updated throughout using key concepts and examples to guide the reader through this fascinating area, including:

● a new chapter on identity that reflects the latest research;

● a brand new Companion Website which is fully cross-referenced within this book, and which includes video and audio materials, interactive activities and links to useful websites;

● updated and revised examples and exercises which include new material from Tanzania, Wales, Paraguay and Timor-Leste;

● fully updated further reading and references sections.

An Introduction to Sociolinguistics is the essential introductory text for all students of sociolinguistics and a splendid point of reference for students of English language studies, linguistics and applied linguistics.

序 / 推薦

"The fifth edition of this touchstone book covers the entire gamut of sociolinguistics with enticing illustrations and practical exercises. The world-wide breadth of coverage is matched by approachable language for uninitiated students. The book's new online component provides multimedita examples and interactive exercises that every teacher can use to more full engage students"
Kirk Hazen, West Virginia University, USA

"This truly user-friendly text has stood the test of time. It takes variation as the point of departure, with dual foci on the language user and language use. The revised edition contains up-to-date research from an international perspective. The new interactive companion website will further enhance its usability and global appeal."
Li Wei, Institute of Education, University College London, UK

"My students and I thoroughly enjoyed this textbook. We liked the engaging examples, the well-designed exercises with suggested answers, and the extensive glossary. Now this fifth edition offers even more innovations through its online companion!! This is an ideal textbook on sociolinguistics."
Phoebe Lin, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong


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